adam 6298b037b6
Some checks failed There was a failure building this commit
Revert "restful with the db"
This reverts commit 203c6af3cf.
2025-02-04 17:06:22 -05:00

344 lines
13 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Discord;
using Discord.WebSocket;
using vassago.Models;
using vassago.Behavior;
using Discord.Rest;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using System.Threading;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
namespace vassago.DiscordInterface;
public class DiscordInterface
internal const string PROTOCOL = "discord";
internal DiscordSocketClient client;
private bool eventsSignedUp = false;
private ChattingContext _db;
private static SemaphoreSlim discordChannelSetup = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1);
private Channel protocolAsChannel;
public DiscordInterface()
_db = new ChattingContext();
public async Task Init(string token)
await SetupDiscordChannel();
client = new DiscordSocketClient(new DiscordSocketConfig() { GatewayIntents = GatewayIntents.All });
client.Log += (msg) =>
return Task.CompletedTask;
client.Connected += SelfConnected;
client.Ready += ClientReady;
await client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, token);
await client.StartAsync();
private async Task SetupDiscordChannel()
await discordChannelSetup.WaitAsync();
protocolAsChannel = _db.Channels.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ParentChannel == null && c.Protocol == PROTOCOL);
if (protocolAsChannel == null)
protocolAsChannel = new Channel()
DisplayName = "discord (itself)",
MeannessFilterLevel = Enumerations.MeannessFilterLevel.Strict,
LewdnessFilterLevel = Enumerations.LewdnessFilterLevel.Moderate,
MaxTextChars = 2000,
MaxAttachmentBytes = 25 * 1024 * 1024, //allegedly it's 25, but I worry it's not actually.
LinksAllowed = true,
ReactionsPossible = true,
ExternalId = null,
Protocol = PROTOCOL,
SubChannels = new List<Channel>()
protocolAsChannel.SendMessage = (t) => { throw new InvalidOperationException($"discord itself cannot accept text"); };
protocolAsChannel.SendFile = (f, t) => { throw new InvalidOperationException($"discord itself cannot send file"); };
private async Task ClientReady()
if (!eventsSignedUp)
eventsSignedUp = true;
Console.WriteLine($"Bot is connected ({client.CurrentUser.Username}; {client.CurrentUser.Mention})! going to sign up for message received and user joined in client ready");
client.MessageReceived += MessageReceived;
// _client.MessageUpdated +=
//client.UserJoined += UserJoined;
client.SlashCommandExecuted += SlashCommandHandler;
//client.ChannelCreated +=
// _client.ChannelDestroyed +=
// _client.ChannelUpdated +=
// _client.GuildMemberUpdated +=
// _client.UserBanned +=
// _client.UserLeft +=
// _client.ThreadCreated +=
// _client.ThreadUpdated +=
// _client.ThreadDeleted +=
// _client.JoinedGuild +=
// _client.GuildUpdated +=
// _client.LeftGuild +=
await SlashCommandsHelper.Register(client);
Console.WriteLine("bot appears to be RE connected, so I'm not going to sign up twice");
private async Task SelfConnected()
var selfAccount = UpsertAccount(client.CurrentUser, protocolAsChannel);
selfAccount.DisplayName = client.CurrentUser.Username;
await _db.SaveChangesAsync();
private async Task MessageReceived(SocketMessage messageParam)
var suMessage = messageParam as SocketUserMessage;
if (suMessage == null)
Console.WriteLine($"{messageParam.Content}, but not a user message");
Console.WriteLine($"#{suMessage.Channel}[{DateTime.Now}][{suMessage.Author.Username} [id={suMessage.Author.Id}]][msg id: {suMessage.Id}] {suMessage.Content}");
var m = UpsertMessage(suMessage);
if (suMessage.MentionedUsers?.FirstOrDefault(muid => muid.Id == client.CurrentUser.Id) != null)
var mentionOfMe = "<@" + client.CurrentUser.Id + ">";
m.MentionsMe = true;
await Behaver.Instance.ActOn(m);
m.ActedOn = true; // for its own ruposess it might act on it later, but either way, fuck it, we checked.
private void UserJoined(SocketGuildUser arg)
var guild = UpsertChannel(arg.Guild);
var defaultChannel = UpsertChannel(arg.Guild.DefaultChannel);
defaultChannel.ParentChannel = guild;
var u = UpsertAccount(arg, guild);
u.DisplayName = arg.DisplayName;
private async Task ButtonHandler(SocketMessageComponent component)
switch (component.Data.CustomId)
case "custom-id":
await component.RespondAsync($"{component.User.Mention}, it's been here the whole time!");
internal static async Task SlashCommandHandler(SocketSlashCommand command)
switch (command.CommandName)
case "freedomunits":
var amt = Convert.ToDecimal((double)(command.Data.Options.First(o => o.Name == "amount").Value));
var src = (string)command.Data.Options.First(o => o.Name == "src-unit").Value;
var dest = (string)command.Data.Options.First(o => o.Name == "dest-unit").Value;
var conversionResult = Conversion.Converter.Convert(amt, src, dest);
await command.RespondAsync($"> {amt} {src} -> {dest}\n{conversionResult}");
catch (Exception e)
await command.RespondAsync($"error: {e.Message}. aaadam!");
await command.RespondAsync($"\\*smiles and nods*\n");
await command.Channel.SendFileAsync($"assets/loud sweating.gif");
Console.Error.WriteLine($"can't understand command name: {command.CommandName}");
internal vassago.Models.Attachment UpsertAttachment(IAttachment dAttachment)
var a = _db.Attachments.FirstOrDefault(ai => ai.ExternalId == dAttachment.Id);
if (a == null)
a = new vassago.Models.Attachment();
a.ContentType = dAttachment.ContentType;
a.Description = dAttachment.Description;
a.Filename = dAttachment.Filename;
a.Size = dAttachment.Size;
a.Source = new Uri(dAttachment.Url);
return a;
internal Message UpsertMessage(IUserMessage dMessage)
var m = _db.Messages.FirstOrDefault(mi => mi.ExternalId == dMessage.Id.ToString() && mi.Protocol == PROTOCOL);
if (m == null)
m = new Message();
m.Protocol = PROTOCOL;
m.Attachments = m.Attachments ?? new List<vassago.Models.Attachment>();
if (dMessage.Attachments?.Any() == true)
m.Attachments = new List<vassago.Models.Attachment>();
foreach (var da in dMessage.Attachments)
m.Content = dMessage.Content;
m.ExternalId = dMessage.Id.ToString();
m.Timestamp = dMessage.EditedTimestamp ?? dMessage.CreatedAt;
m.Channel = UpsertChannel(dMessage.Channel);
m.Author = UpsertAccount(dMessage.Author, m.Channel);
if(dMessage.Channel is IGuildChannel)
m.Author.DisplayName = (dMessage.Author as IGuildUser).DisplayName;//discord forgot how display names work.
m.MentionsMe = (dMessage.Author.Id != client.CurrentUser.Id
&& (dMessage.MentionedUserIds?.FirstOrDefault(muid => muid == client.CurrentUser.Id) > 0));
m.Reply = (t) => { return dMessage.ReplyAsync(t); };
m.React = (e) => { return attemptReact(dMessage, e); };
return m;
internal Channel UpsertChannel(IMessageChannel channel)
Channel c = _db.Channels.FirstOrDefault(ci => ci.ExternalId == channel.Id.ToString() && ci.Protocol == PROTOCOL);
if (c == null)
c = new Channel();
c.DisplayName = channel.Name;
c.ExternalId = channel.Id.ToString();
c.ChannelType = (channel is IPrivateChannel) ? vassago.Models.Enumerations.ChannelType.DM : vassago.Models.Enumerations.ChannelType.Normal;
c.Messages = c.Messages ?? new List<Message>();
c.Protocol = PROTOCOL;
if (channel is IGuildChannel)
c.ParentChannel = UpsertChannel((channel as IGuildChannel).Guild);
else if (channel is IPrivateChannel)
c.ParentChannel = protocolAsChannel;
c.ParentChannel = protocolAsChannel;
Console.Error.WriteLine($"trying to upsert channel {channel.Id}/{channel.Name}, but it's neither guildchannel nor private channel. shrug.jpg");
c.SubChannels = c.SubChannels ?? new List<Channel>();
c.SendMessage = (t) => { return channel.SendMessageAsync(t); };
c.SendFile = (f, t) => { return channel.SendFileAsync(f, t); };
case vassago.Models.Enumerations.ChannelType.DM:
c.DisplayName = "DM: " + (channel as IPrivateChannel).Recipients?.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id != client.CurrentUser.Id).Username;
return c;
internal Channel UpsertChannel(IGuild channel)
Channel c = _db.Channels.FirstOrDefault(ci => ci.ExternalId == channel.Id.ToString() && ci.Protocol == PROTOCOL);
if (c == null)
c = new Channel();
c.DisplayName = channel.Name;
c.ExternalId = channel.Id.ToString();
c.ChannelType = vassago.Models.Enumerations.ChannelType.Normal;
c.Messages = c.Messages ?? new List<Message>();
c.Protocol = protocolAsChannel.Protocol;
c.ParentChannel = protocolAsChannel;
c.SubChannels = c.SubChannels ?? new List<Channel>();
c.MaxAttachmentBytes = channel.MaxUploadLimit;
c.SendMessage = (t) => { throw new InvalidOperationException($"channel {channel.Name} is guild; cannot accept text"); };
c.SendFile = (f, t) => { throw new InvalidOperationException($"channel {channel.Name} is guild; send file"); };
return c;
internal Account UpsertAccount(IUser user, Channel inChannel)
var acc = _db.Accounts.FirstOrDefault(ui => ui.ExternalId == user.Id.ToString() && ui.SeenInChannel.Id == inChannel.Id);
if (acc == null)
acc = new Account();
acc.Username = user.Username;
acc.ExternalId = user.Id.ToString();
acc.IsBot = user.IsBot || user.IsWebhook;
acc.Protocol = PROTOCOL;
acc.SeenInChannel = inChannel;
acc.IsUser = _db.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Accounts.Any(a => a.ExternalId == acc.ExternalId && a.Protocol == acc.Protocol));
if(acc.IsUser == null)
acc.IsUser = new User() { Accounts = new List<Account>() { acc } };
return acc;
private Task attemptReact(IUserMessage msg, string e)
var c = _db.Channels.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ExternalId == msg.Channel.Id.ToString());
//var preferredEmote = c.EmoteOverrides?[e] ?? e; //TODO: emote overrides
var preferredEmote = e;
if (Emoji.TryParse(preferredEmote, out Emoji emoji))
return msg.AddReactionAsync(emoji);
if (!Emote.TryParse(preferredEmote, out Emote emote))
if (preferredEmote == e)
Console.Error.WriteLine($"never heard of emote {e}");
return Task.CompletedTask;
return msg.AddReactionAsync(emote);