namespace vassago.Behavior; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using vassago.Models; [StaticPlz] public class Detiktokify : Behavior { public override string Name { get => "Detiktokify"; } public override string Trigger { get => "post a link below"; } public override string Description { get => "re-host tiktok content"; } private List tiktokLinks = new List(); private YoutubeDLSharp.YoutubeDL ytdl; public Detiktokify() { ytdl = new YoutubeDLSharp.YoutubeDL(); ytdl.YoutubeDLPath = "yt-dlp"; ytdl.FFmpegPath = "ffmpeg"; ytdl.OutputFolder = ""; ytdl.OutputFileTemplate = "tiktokbad.%(ext)s"; } public override bool ShouldAct(Message message) { if(message.Channel.EffectivePermissions.MaxAttachmentBytes == 0) return false; if(Behaver.Instance.Selves.Any(acc => acc.Id == message.Author.Id)) return false; var wordLikes = message.Content.Split(' ', StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries); var possibleLinks = wordLikes?.Where(wl => Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(wl, UriKind.Absolute)).Select(wl => new Uri(wl)); if (possibleLinks != null && possibleLinks.Count() > 0) { foreach (var link in possibleLinks) { if (link.Host.EndsWith("")) { tiktokLinks.Add(link); } } } return tiktokLinks.Any(); } public override async Task ActOn(Message message) { foreach(var link in tiktokLinks) { try { Console.WriteLine("detiktokifying"); #pragma warning disable 4014 //await message.React("<:tiktok:1070038619584200884>"); #pragma warning restore 4014 var res = await ytdl.RunVideoDownload(link.ToString()); if (!res.Success) { Console.Error.WriteLine("tried to dl, failed. \n" + string.Join('\n', res.ErrorOutput)); await message.React("problemon"); await message.Channel.SendMessage("tried to dl, failed. \n" + string.Join('\n', res.ErrorOutput)); } else { string path = res.Data; if (File.Exists(path)) { ulong bytesize = (ulong)((new System.IO.FileInfo(path)).Length); if (bytesize < message.Channel.EffectivePermissions.MaxAttachmentBytes - 256) { try { await message.Channel.SendFile(path, null); } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine(e); await message.Channel.SendMessage($"aaaadam!\n{e}"); } } else { message.ActedOn = true; Console.WriteLine($"file appears too big ({bytesize} bytes ({bytesize / (1024 * 1024)}MB)), not posting"); } File.Delete(path); } else { Console.Error.WriteLine("idgi but something happened."); await message.React("problemon"); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine(e); await message.React("problemon"); return false; } } return true; } }