namespace vassago.Behavior; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using vassago.Models; using static vassago.Models.Enumerations; [StaticPlz] public class GeneralSnarkMisspellDefinitely : Behavior { public override string Name => "Snarkiness: misspell definitely"; public override string Trigger => "definitely but not"; public override string Description => ""; private Dictionary snarkmap = new Dictionary() { {"definetly", "*almost* definitely"}, {"definately", "probably"}, {"definatly", "probably not"}, {"defenitely", "not telling (it's a surprise)"}, {"defintely", "per the propheecy"}, {"definetely", "definitely, maybe"}, {"definantly", "to be decided by coin toss"}, {"defanitely", "in one universe out of 14 million"}, {"defineatly", "only the gods know"}, {"definitly", "unless someone cute shows up"} }; public override bool ShouldAct(Message message) { if(Behaver.Instance.IsSelf(message.Author.Id)) return false; // if((MeannessFilterLevel)message.Channel.EffectivePermissions.MeannessFilterLevel < MeannessFilterLevel.Medium) // return false; foreach(var k in snarkmap.Keys) { if( Regex.IsMatch(message.Content, "\\b"+k+"\\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) return true; } return false; } public override async Task ActOn(Message message) { foreach(var k in snarkmap.Keys) { if( Regex.IsMatch(message.Content, "\\b"+k+"\\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)) { await message.Reply(k + "? so... " + snarkmap[k] + "?"); return true; } } return true; } }