2024-10-30 17:35:00 -04:00

216 lines
11 KiB

using System;
using System.Dynamic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("deployment.tests")]
namespace greyn.Deployment
public static class ConfigurationBootstrapper
private const string confpath = "appsettings.json";
public static T Load<T>() where T : new()
if (File.Exists("appsettings.json"))
/* "aaaahhh this is the most abstract and reflective thing in the goddamn world aaaahhhhh next you'll make an ECS on a dynamic aaaahhh"
* Ok, yes. I share these fears. but.
* this way we can read a *very* arbitrary configuration file.
* some random external file's configuration values is a good reason to aim for very high flexibility, imo
* if the configuration expects new values we write them in,
* if you left other junk for whatever reason, we don't delete them.
var actualConfig = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ExpandoObject>(File.ReadAllText(confpath)) ?? new ExpandoObject();
var toReturn = new T();
populateExpando(toReturn, ref actualConfig);
File.WriteAllText(confpath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actualConfig, Formatting.Indented));
readFromExpando(ref toReturn, actualConfig);
return toReturn;
var toReturn = new T();
File.WriteAllText(confpath, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(toReturn));
return toReturn;
//TODO: make private but get tests to cooperate... I think that's a c# limitation
internal static void populateExpando<T>(T config, ref ExpandoObject fromFile)
if (config == null) return;
Console.WriteLine("config is not null");
Console.WriteLine($"fromfile null: {fromFile == null}");
if (fromFile == null)
fromFile = new ExpandoObject();
// var expandoPopulated = new ExpandoObject();
// var dictionaryFromExpandoPopulated = (IDictionary<string, object?>)expandoPopulated;
// foreach (var memberInfo in config.GetType().GetMembers())
// {
// switch (memberInfo.MemberType)
// {
// case MemberTypes.Field:
// dictionaryFromExpandoPopulated.Add(memberInfo.Name, ((FieldInfo)memberInfo).GetValue(config));
// break;
// case MemberTypes.Property:
// dictionaryFromExpandoPopulated.Add(memberInfo.Name, ((PropertyInfo)memberInfo).GetValue(config));
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
// }
// expandoPopulated = (ExpandoObject)dictionaryFromExpandoPopulated;
// fromFile = expandoPopulated;
// return;
var dictionaryFromExpandoFromFile = (IDictionary<string, object?>)fromFile;
Console.WriteLine($"{config.GetType().GetMembers().Count()} members on {config.GetType()}");
foreach (var memberInfo in config.GetType().GetMembers())
Console.WriteLine($"checking property: {memberInfo.Name}");
if(memberInfo.DeclaringType == typeof(System.Object))
Console.WriteLine($"junk from system.object, don't care");
if(memberInfo.MemberType != MemberTypes.Field && memberInfo.MemberType != MemberTypes.Property)
Console.WriteLine($"type I don't know how to handle ({memberInfo.MemberType})");
if (dictionaryFromExpandoFromFile.TryGetValue(memberInfo.Name, out object? valueFromDict))
Console.WriteLine($"dictionary has it - {valueFromDict}");
if (valueFromDict != null)
Console.WriteLine($"value from configuration file is not null");
switch (memberInfo.MemberType)
case MemberTypes.Field:
var asField = (FieldInfo)memberInfo;
//if ((asField.FieldType.GetMembers(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)?.Count() ?? 0) > 0)
Console.WriteLine($"{asField.Name} (as field) has {asField.FieldType.GetMembers() .Count()} members.");
var childMember = dictionaryFromExpandoFromFile[asField.Name] as ExpandoObject;
if(childMember != null)
populateExpando(asField.GetValue(config), ref childMember);
//asField.SetValue(fromFile, childMember); //you don't have to set it back. the expandoobject *implements* IDictionary
// so when you cast it, it's not a copy; you just access it as a dictionary. So you can change it dynamically.
// and we ref'd it so it got the underlying one.
case MemberTypes.Property:
var asProperty = (PropertyInfo)memberInfo;
//if ((asProperty.PropertyType.GetMembers(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly)?.Count() ?? 0) > 0)
Console.WriteLine($"{asProperty.Name} (as property) has {asProperty.PropertyType.GetMembers() .Count()} members.");
var childMember = dictionaryFromExpandoFromFile[asProperty.Name] as ExpandoObject; // (ExpandoObject)asProperty.GetValue(fromFile);
if(childMember != null)
populateExpando(asProperty.GetValue(config), ref childMember);
//asProperty.SetValue(fromFile, childMember);
Console.WriteLine($"membertype unhanlded. {memberInfo.MemberType}");
Console.WriteLine($"dictionary didn't have it. so let's add to fromFile");
switch (memberInfo.MemberType)
case MemberTypes.Field:
var addTry = fromFile.TryAdd(memberInfo.Name, ((FieldInfo)memberInfo).GetValue(config));
Console.WriteLine($"ostensibly, succeeded? {addTry}");
case MemberTypes.Property:
var addTry2 = fromFile.TryAdd(memberInfo.Name, ((PropertyInfo)memberInfo).GetValue(config));
Console.WriteLine($"ostensibly, succeeded? {addTry2}");
Console.WriteLine($"type I don't know how to handle ({memberInfo.MemberType})");
Console.WriteLine($"{memberInfo.Name} handled");
internal static void readFromExpando<T>(ref T config, ExpandoObject readFromFile)
//TODO: read from Expando
// private static T sync<T>(ref T config, ref ExpandoObject readFromFile)
// {
// var fieldsFoundThisLevel = new List<string>();
// if(config == null)
// {
// //TODO: it's entirely possible this is null.
// throw new ArgumentNullException();
// }
// if(readFromFile == null)
// {
// //TODO: it's entirely possible this is null.
// throw new ArgumentNullException();
// }
// var readUnExpandoed = (IDictionary<string, object?>)readFromFile;
// //if it's present on what was read
// //set it on Config
// //if it's not found on what was read, or type is different
// foreach (var prop in config.GetType().GetProperties())
// {
// fieldsFoundThisLevel.Add(prop.Name);
// if(readUnExpandoed.TryGetValue(prop.Name, out object? valueFromFile)) //so a configuration file can *set* a value *to null*
// {
// if(valueFromFile != null)
// {
// var defaultConfigValue = prop.GetValue(config);
// if (defaultConfigValue != null)
// {
// //expandofy, since we objectified it.
// var expandoFromFile = new ExpandoObject();
// var dictionaryFromExpandoFromFile = (IDictionary<string, object?>)expandoFromFile;
// foreach (var property in valueFromFile.GetType().GetProperties())
// dictionaryFromExpandoFromFile.Add(property.Name, property.GetValue(valueFromFile));
// expandoFromFile = (ExpandoObject)dictionaryFromExpandoFromFile;
// //dive in, repeat
// sync(ref defaultConfigValue, ref expandoFromFile);
// //we've now Sync'd expandoFromFile and defaultConfigValue
// prop.SetValue(readFromFile, expandoFromFile);
// prop.SetValue(config, expandoFromFile);
// }
// }
// }
// else
// {
// readFromFile.TryAdd(prop.Name, prop.GetValue(config));
// }
// }
// }