import random from dataclasses import dataclass, field import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import threestudio from threestudio.models.materials.base import BaseMaterial from threestudio.utils.ops import dot, get_activation from threestudio.utils.typing import * @threestudio.register("diffuse-with-point-light-material") class DiffuseWithPointLightMaterial(BaseMaterial): @dataclass class Config(BaseMaterial.Config): ambient_light_color: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1) diffuse_light_color: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0.9, 0.9, 0.9) ambient_only_steps: int = 1000 diffuse_prob: float = 0.75 textureless_prob: float = 0.5 albedo_activation: str = "sigmoid" soft_shading: bool = False cfg: Config def configure(self) -> None: self.requires_normal = True self.ambient_light_color: Float[Tensor, "3"] self.register_buffer( "ambient_light_color", torch.as_tensor(self.cfg.ambient_light_color, dtype=torch.float32), ) self.diffuse_light_color: Float[Tensor, "3"] self.register_buffer( "diffuse_light_color", torch.as_tensor(self.cfg.diffuse_light_color, dtype=torch.float32), ) self.ambient_only = False def forward( self, features: Float[Tensor, "B ... Nf"], positions: Float[Tensor, "B ... 3"], shading_normal: Float[Tensor, "B ... 3"], light_positions: Float[Tensor, "B ... 3"], ambient_ratio: Optional[float] = None, shading: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Float[Tensor, "B ... 3"]: albedo = get_activation(self.cfg.albedo_activation)(features[..., :3]) if ambient_ratio is not None: # if ambient ratio is specified, use it diffuse_light_color = (1 - ambient_ratio) * torch.ones_like( self.diffuse_light_color ) ambient_light_color = ambient_ratio * torch.ones_like( self.ambient_light_color ) elif and self.cfg.soft_shading: # otherwise if in training and soft shading is enabled, random a ambient ratio diffuse_light_color = torch.full_like( self.diffuse_light_color, random.random() ) ambient_light_color = 1.0 - diffuse_light_color else: # otherwise use the default fixed values diffuse_light_color = self.diffuse_light_color ambient_light_color = self.ambient_light_color light_directions: Float[Tensor, "B ... 3"] = F.normalize( light_positions - positions, dim=-1 ) diffuse_light: Float[Tensor, "B ... 3"] = ( dot(shading_normal, light_directions).clamp(min=0.0) * diffuse_light_color ) textureless_color = diffuse_light + ambient_light_color # clamp albedo to [0, 1] to compute shading color = albedo.clamp(0.0, 1.0) * textureless_color if shading is None: if # adopt the same type of augmentation for the whole batch if self.ambient_only or random.random() > self.cfg.diffuse_prob: shading = "albedo" elif random.random() < self.cfg.textureless_prob: shading = "textureless" else: shading = "diffuse" else: if self.ambient_only: shading = "albedo" else: # return shaded color by default in evaluation shading = "diffuse" # multiply by 0 to prevent checking for unused parameters in DDP if shading == "albedo": return albedo + textureless_color * 0 elif shading == "textureless": return albedo * 0 + textureless_color elif shading == "diffuse": return color else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown shading type {shading}") def update_step(self, epoch: int, global_step: int, on_load_weights: bool = False): if global_step < self.cfg.ambient_only_steps: self.ambient_only = True else: self.ambient_only = False def export(self, features: Float[Tensor, "*N Nf"], **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: albedo = get_activation(self.cfg.albedo_activation)(features[..., :3]).clamp( 0.0, 1.0 ) return {"albedo": albedo}