2024-12-13 07:38:59 -05:00
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 DeepSeek.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
# this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
# the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
# use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
# the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
# subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict , Tuple , List , Literal , Optional
import math
import torch
from torch . nn . utils . rnn import pad_sequence
import torchvision . transforms as T
from transformers import LlamaTokenizerFast
from transformers . processing_utils import ProcessorMixin
from PIL import Image , ImageOps
from . conversation import get_conv_template
def select_best_resolution ( image_size , candidate_resolutions ) :
# used for cropping
original_width , original_height = image_size
best_fit = None
max_effective_resolution = 0
min_wasted_resolution = float ( " inf " )
for width , height in candidate_resolutions :
scale = min ( width / original_width , height / original_height )
downscaled_width , downscaled_height = int ( original_width * scale ) , int ( original_height * scale )
effective_resolution = min ( downscaled_width * downscaled_height , original_width * original_height )
wasted_resolution = ( width * height ) - effective_resolution
if effective_resolution > max_effective_resolution or ( effective_resolution == max_effective_resolution and wasted_resolution < min_wasted_resolution ) :
max_effective_resolution = effective_resolution
min_wasted_resolution = wasted_resolution
best_fit = ( width , height )
return best_fit
class DictOutput ( object ) :
def keys ( self ) :
return self . __dict__ . keys ( )
def __getitem__ ( self , item ) :
return self . __dict__ [ item ]
def __setitem__ ( self , key , value ) :
self . __dict__ [ key ] = value
# 对于inference sample也可以维护input_ids, 反正最后不会用到
class VLChatProcessorOutput ( DictOutput ) :
sft_format : str
input_ids : torch . LongTensor
target_ids : torch . LongTensor
images : torch . Tensor
images_seq_mask : torch . BoolTensor
images_spatial_crop : torch . LongTensor
num_image_tokens : List [ int ]
def __len__ ( self ) :
return len ( self . input_ids )
class BatchCollateOutput ( DictOutput ) :
sft_format : List [ str ]
input_ids : torch . LongTensor
labels : torch . LongTensor
images : torch . Tensor
attention_mask : torch . Tensor
images_seq_mask : torch . BoolTensor
images_spatial_crop : torch . LongTensor
seq_lens : List [ int ]
def to ( self , device , dtype = torch . bfloat16 ) :
self . input_ids = self . input_ids . to ( device )
self . labels = self . labels . to ( device )
self . attention_mask = self . attention_mask . to ( device )
self . images_seq_mask = self . images_seq_mask . to ( device )
self . images_spatial_crop = self . images_spatial_crop . to ( device )
self . images = self . images . to ( device = device , dtype = dtype )
return self
class ImageTransform ( object ) :
def __init__ (
self ,
mean : Optional [ Tuple [ float , float , float ] ] = ( 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 ) ,
std : Optional [ Tuple [ float , float , float ] ] = ( 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 ) ,
normalize : bool = True
) :
self . mean = mean
self . std = std
self . normalize = normalize
transform_pipelines = [
T . ToTensor ( )
if normalize :
transform_pipelines . append ( T . Normalize ( mean , std ) )
self . transform = T . Compose ( transform_pipelines )
def __call__ ( self , pil_img : Image . Image ) :
x = self . transform ( pil_img )
return x
class DeepseekVLV2Processor ( ProcessorMixin ) :
tokenizer_class = ( " LlamaTokenizer " , " LlamaTokenizerFast " )
attributes = [ " tokenizer " ]
def __init__ (
self ,
tokenizer : LlamaTokenizerFast ,
candidate_resolutions : Tuple [ Tuple [ int , int ] ] ,
patch_size : int ,
downsample_ratio : int ,
image_mean : Tuple [ float , float , float ] = ( 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 ) ,
image_std : Tuple [ float , float , float ] = ( 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.5 ) ,
normalize : bool = True ,
image_token : str = " <image> " ,
pad_token : str = " <| ▁pad▁| > " ,
add_special_token : bool = False ,
sft_format : str = " deepseek " ,
mask_prompt : bool = True ,
ignore_id : int = - 100 ,
* * kwargs ,
) :
self . candidate_resolutions = candidate_resolutions
self . image_size = candidate_resolutions [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
self . patch_size = patch_size
self . image_mean = image_mean
self . image_std = image_std
self . normalize = normalize
self . downsample_ratio = downsample_ratio
self . image_transform = ImageTransform ( mean = image_mean , std = image_std , normalize = normalize )
self . tokenizer = tokenizer
self . tokenizer . padding_side = ' left ' # must set this, padding side with make a difference in batch inference
# add the pad_token as special token to use 'tokenizer.pad_token' and 'tokenizer.pad_token_id'
if tokenizer . pad_token is None :
self . tokenizer . add_special_tokens ( { ' pad_token ' : pad_token } )
print ( f " Add pad token = [ ' { pad_token } ' ] to the tokenizer \n "
f " { pad_token } : { tokenizer . encode ( pad_token , add_special_tokens = False ) [ 0 ] } " )
# add image token
image_token_id = self . tokenizer . vocab . get ( image_token )
if image_token_id is None :
special_tokens = [ image_token ]
special_tokens_dict = { " additional_special_tokens " : special_tokens }
self . tokenizer . add_special_tokens ( special_tokens_dict )
self . image_token_id = self . tokenizer . vocab . get ( image_token )
print ( f " Add image token = [ ' { image_token } ' ] to the tokenizer \n "
f " { image_token } : { tokenizer . encode ( image_token , add_special_tokens = False ) [ 0 ] } " )
# add five special tokens for grounding-related tasks
# <|ref|>, <|/ref|>, <|det|>, <|/det|>, <|grounding|>
special_tokens = [ ' <|ref|> ' , ' <|/ref|> ' , ' <|det|> ' , ' <|/det|> ' , ' <|grounding|> ' ]
special_tokens_dict = { " additional_special_tokens " : special_tokens }
self . tokenizer . add_special_tokens ( special_tokens_dict )
print ( f " Add grounding-related tokens = { special_tokens } to the tokenizer with input_ids \n "
f " <|ref|>: { tokenizer . encode ( ' <|ref|> ' , add_special_tokens = False ) [ 0 ] } \n "
f " <|/ref|>: { tokenizer . encode ( ' <|/ref|> ' , add_special_tokens = False ) [ 0 ] } \n "
f " <|det|>: { tokenizer . encode ( ' <|det|> ' , add_special_tokens = False ) [ 0 ] } \n "
f " <|/det|>: { tokenizer . encode ( ' <|/det|> ' , add_special_tokens = False ) [ 0 ] } \n "
f " <|grounding|>: { tokenizer . encode ( ' <|grounding|> ' , add_special_tokens = False ) [ 0 ] } " )
# add special tokens for SFT data
special_tokens = [ " <|User|> " , " <|Assistant|> " ]
special_tokens_dict = { " additional_special_tokens " : special_tokens }
self . tokenizer . add_special_tokens ( special_tokens_dict )
print ( f " Add chat tokens = { special_tokens } to the tokenizer with input_ids \n "
f " <|User|>: { tokenizer . encode ( ' <|User|> ' , add_special_tokens = False ) [ 0 ] } \n "
f " <|Assistant|>: { tokenizer . encode ( ' <|Assistant|> ' , add_special_tokens = False ) [ 0 ] } \n " )
self . image_token = image_token
self . pad_token = pad_token
self . add_special_token = add_special_token
self . sft_format = sft_format
self . mask_prompt = mask_prompt
self . ignore_id = ignore_id
super ( ) . __init__ (
tokenizer ,
* * kwargs ,
def new_chat_template ( self ) :
conv = get_conv_template ( self . sft_format )
return conv
def format_messages (
self ,
conversations : List [ Dict [ str , str ] ] ,
sft_format : str = " deepseek " ,
system_prompt : str = " " ,
) :
Applies the SFT template to conversation .
Args :
conversations ( List [ Dict ] ) : A List of messages .
sft_format ( str , optional ) : The format of the SFT template to use . Defaults to " deepseek " .
system_prompt ( str , optional ) : The system prompt to use in the SFT template . Defaults to " " .
Returns :
sft_prompt ( str ) : The formatted text .
conv = get_conv_template ( sft_format )
conv . set_system_message ( system_prompt )
for message in conversations :
conv . append_message ( message [ " role " ] , message [ " content " ] . strip ( ) )
sft_prompt = conv . get_prompt ( ) . strip ( )
return sft_prompt
def format_messages_v2 ( self , messages , pil_images , systems = None ) :
""" play the role of format_messages_v2 and get_images_info in the last version """
tokenized_data = [ ]
masked_tokenized_data = [ ] # labels
images_list = [ ]
images_seq_mask = [ ]
images_spatial_crop = [ ]
num_image_tokens = [ ]
image_index = 0
conv = get_conv_template ( self . sft_format )
conv_system_message = conv . system_message
for idx , message in enumerate ( messages ) :
if idx == 0 :
tokenized_data + = [ self . bos_id ]
masked_tokenized_data + = [ self . bos_id ]
images_seq_mask + = [ False ]
conv . system_message = conv_system_message
else :
conv . system_message = ' '
if message [ ' role ' ] == conv . roles [ 0 ] or message [ ' role ' ] == " user " :
conv . reset_message ( )
conv . append_message ( conv . roles [ 0 ] , str ( message [ ' content ' ] ) . strip ( ) )
conv . append_message ( conv . roles [ 1 ] , ' ' )
formatted_question = conv . get_prompt ( )
tokenized_str , images , seq_mask , spatial_crop , n_image_tokens = self . tokenize_with_images (
formatted_question ,
pil_images [ image_index : image_index + formatted_question . count ( self . image_token ) ] ,
bos = False ,
eos = False ,
cropping = len ( pil_images ) < = 2
image_index + = formatted_question . count ( self . image_token )
tokenized_data + = tokenized_str
if self . mask_prompt :
masked_tokenized_data + = [ self . ignore_id ] * len ( tokenized_str )
else :
masked_tokenized_data + = tokenized_str
images_list + = images
images_seq_mask + = seq_mask
images_spatial_crop + = spatial_crop
num_image_tokens + = n_image_tokens
elif message [ ' role ' ] == conv . roles [ 1 ] or message [ ' role ' ] == " assistant " :
formatted_answer = message [ ' content ' ] . strip ( )
assert formatted_answer . count (
self . image_token ) == 0 , f " there should be no { self . image_token } in the assistant ' s reply, but got { messages } "
tokenized_str , images , seq_mask , spatial_crop , n_image_tokens = self . tokenize_with_images (
formatted_answer ,
[ ] ,
bos = False ,
eos = True ,
cropping = len ( pil_images ) < = 2 )
tokenized_data + = tokenized_str
masked_tokenized_data + = tokenized_str
images_seq_mask + = seq_mask
elif message [ ' role ' ] == ' system ' or message [ ' role ' ] == ' deepseekapi-sys ' :
# 如果message里面有system, 那就只允许出现在message的第一句, 同时conv原本的system就会失效
assert idx == 0 , ' system information should only exist in the begining of the conversation '
formatted_system = message [ ' content ' ] . strip ( )
tokenized_str = self . encode ( formatted_system , bos = False , eos = False )
tokenized_data + = tokenized_str
if self . mask_prompt :
masked_tokenized_data + = [ self . ignore_id ] * len ( tokenized_str )
else :
masked_tokenized_data + = tokenized_str
seq_mask = [ False ] * len ( tokenized_str )
images_seq_mask + = seq_mask
else :
assert False , f " Unknown role: { message [ ' role ' ] } "
assert len ( tokenized_data ) == len (
images_seq_mask ) , f " format_messages_v2: tokenized_str ' s length { len ( tokenized_str ) } is not equal to imags_seq_mask ' s length { len ( images_seq_mask ) } "
assert len ( images_spatial_crop ) == len ( num_image_tokens ) , f " image number should be compatible "
return tokenized_data , masked_tokenized_data , images_list , images_seq_mask , images_spatial_crop , num_image_tokens
def format_prompts (
self ,
prompts : str ,
sft_format : str = " deepseek " ,
system_prompt : str = " " ,
) :
Applies the SFT template to prompts .
Args :
prompts ( str ) : the non - sft formatted prompt ;
sft_format ( str , optional ) : The format of the SFT template to use . Defaults to " deepseek " .
system_prompt ( str , optional ) : The system prompt to use in the SFT template . Defaults to " " .
Returns :
sft_prompt ( str ) : The formatted text .
conv = get_conv_template ( sft_format )
conv . set_system_message ( system_prompt )
conv . append_message ( conv . roles [ 0 ] , prompts . strip ( ) )
conv . append_message ( conv . roles [ 1 ] , " " )
sft_prompt = conv . get_prompt ( ) . strip ( )
return sft_prompt
def bos_id ( self ) :
return self . tokenizer . bos_token_id
def eos_id ( self ) :
return self . tokenizer . eos_token_id
def pad_id ( self ) :
return self . tokenizer . pad_token_id
def encode ( self , text : str , bos : bool = True , eos : bool = False ) :
t = self . tokenizer . encode ( text , add_special_tokens = False )
if bos :
t = [ self . bos_id ] + t
if eos :
t = t + [ self . eos_id ]
return t
def decode ( self , t : List [ int ] , * * kwargs ) - > str :
return self . tokenizer . decode ( t , * * kwargs )
def process_one (
self ,
prompt : str = None ,
conversations : List [ Dict [ str , str ] ] = None ,
images : List [ Image . Image ] = None ,
apply_sft_format : bool = False ,
inference_mode : bool = True ,
system_prompt : str = " " ,
* * kwargs ,
) :
Args :
prompt ( str ) : the formatted prompt ;
conversations ( List [ Dict ] ) : conversations with a list of messages ;
images ( List [ ImageType ] ) : the list of images ;
apply_sft_format ( bool ) : if prompt is not None , then apply the SFT format to prompt ;
if conversations is not None , then it will always apply the SFT format to conversations ;
inference_mode ( bool ) : if True , then remove the last eos token ;
system_prompt ( str ) : the system prompt ;
* * kwargs :
Returns :
outputs ( BaseProcessorOutput ) : the output of the processor ,
- input_ids ( torch . LongTensor ) : [ N + image tokens ]
- target_ids ( torch . LongTensor ) : [ N + image tokens ]
- images ( torch . FloatTensor ) : [ n_images , 3 , H , W ]
- image_id ( int ) : the id of the image token
- num_image_tokens ( List [ int ] ) : the number of image tokens
assert (
prompt is None or conversations is None
) , " prompt and conversations cannot be used at the same time. "
if prompt is None :
# apply sft format
sft_format = self . format_messages (
conversations = conversations ,
sft_format = self . sft_format ,
system_prompt = system_prompt ,
tokenized_str , masked_tokenized_str , images_list , images_seq_mask , images_spatial_crop , num_image_tokens = self . format_messages_v2 (
conversations , images )
else :
if apply_sft_format :
sft_format = self . format_prompts (
prompts = prompt ,
sft_format = self . sft_format ,
system_prompt = system_prompt
else :
sft_format = prompt
tokenized_str , images_list , images_seq_mask , images_spatial_crop , num_image_tokens = self . tokenize_with_images (
sft_format , images , bos = True , eos = True , cropping = len ( images ) < = 2 )
masked_tokenized_str = [ ]
for token_index in tokenized_str :
if token_index != self . image_token_id :
masked_tokenized_str . append ( token_index )
else :
masked_tokenized_str . append ( self . ignore_id )
assert len ( tokenized_str ) == len ( images_seq_mask ) == len ( masked_tokenized_str ) , \
( f " tokenized_str ' s length { len ( tokenized_str ) } , input_ids ' length { len ( masked_tokenized_str ) } , "
f " imags_seq_mask ' s length { len ( images_seq_mask ) } , are not equal " )
input_ids = torch . LongTensor ( tokenized_str )
target_ids = torch . LongTensor ( masked_tokenized_str )
images_seq_mask = torch . tensor ( images_seq_mask , dtype = torch . bool )
# set input_ids < 0 | input_ids == self.image_token_id as ignore_id
target_ids [ ( input_ids < 0 ) | ( input_ids == self . image_token_id ) ] = self . ignore_id
input_ids [ input_ids < 0 ] = self . pad_id
if inference_mode :
# 去掉结尾的eos token
assert input_ids [ - 1 ] == self . eos_id
input_ids = input_ids [ : - 1 ]
target_ids = target_ids [ : - 1 ]
images_seq_mask = images_seq_mask [ : - 1 ]
if len ( images_list ) == 0 :
images = torch . zeros ( ( 1 , 3 , self . image_size , self . image_size ) )
images_spatial_crop = torch . zeros ( ( 1 , 2 ) , dtype = torch . long )
else :
images = torch . stack ( images_list , dim = 0 )
images_spatial_crop = torch . tensor ( images_spatial_crop , dtype = torch . long )
prepare = VLChatProcessorOutput (
sft_format = sft_format ,
input_ids = input_ids ,
target_ids = target_ids ,
images = images ,
images_seq_mask = images_seq_mask ,
images_spatial_crop = images_spatial_crop ,
num_image_tokens = num_image_tokens
return prepare
def __call__ (
self ,
* ,
prompt : str = None ,
conversations : List [ Dict [ str , str ] ] = None ,
images : List [ Image . Image ] = None ,
apply_sft_format : bool = False ,
force_batchify : bool = True ,
inference_mode : bool = True ,
system_prompt : str = " " ,
* * kwargs ,
) :
Args :
prompt ( str ) : the formatted prompt ;
conversations ( List [ Dict ] ) : conversations with a list of messages ;
images ( List [ ImageType ] ) : the list of images ;
apply_sft_format ( bool ) : if prompt is not None , then apply the SFT format to prompt ;
if conversations is not None , then it will always apply the SFT format to conversations ;
force_batchify ( bool ) : force batchify the inputs ;
inference_mode ( bool ) : if True , then remove the last eos token ;
system_prompt ( str ) : the system prompt ;
* * kwargs :
Returns :
outputs ( BaseProcessorOutput ) : the output of the processor ,
- input_ids ( torch . LongTensor ) : [ N + image tokens ]
- images ( torch . FloatTensor ) : [ n_images , 3 , H , W ]
- image_id ( int ) : the id of the image token
- num_image_tokens ( List [ int ] ) : the number of image tokens
prepare = self . process_one (
prompt = prompt ,
conversations = conversations ,
images = images ,
apply_sft_format = apply_sft_format ,
inference_mode = inference_mode ,
system_prompt = system_prompt
if force_batchify :
prepare = self . batchify ( [ prepare ] )
return prepare
def tokenize_with_images (
self ,
conversation : str ,
images : List [ Image . Image ] ,
bos : bool = True ,
eos : bool = True ,
cropping : bool = True ,
) :
""" Tokenize text with <image> tags. """
assert conversation . count ( self . image_token ) == len ( images )
text_splits = conversation . split ( self . image_token )
images_list , images_seq_mask , images_spatial_crop = [ ] , [ ] , [ ]
num_image_tokens = [ ]
tokenized_str = [ ]
for text_sep , image in zip ( text_splits , images ) :
""" encode text_sep """
tokenized_sep = self . encode ( text_sep , bos = False , eos = False )
tokenized_str + = tokenized_sep
images_seq_mask + = [ False ] * len ( tokenized_sep )
""" select best resolution for anyres """
if cropping :
best_width , best_height = select_best_resolution ( image . size , self . candidate_resolutions )
else :
best_width , best_height = self . image_size , self . image_size
# print(image.size, (best_width, best_height)) # check the select_best_resolutions func
""" process the global view """
global_view = ImageOps . pad ( image , ( self . image_size , self . image_size ) ,
color = tuple ( int ( x * 255 ) for x in self . image_transform . mean ) )
images_list . append ( self . image_transform ( global_view ) )
""" process the local views """
local_view = ImageOps . pad ( image , ( best_width , best_height ) ,
color = tuple ( int ( x * 255 ) for x in self . image_transform . mean ) )
for i in range ( 0 , best_height , self . image_size ) :
for j in range ( 0 , best_width , self . image_size ) :
images_list . append (
self . image_transform ( local_view . crop ( ( j , i , j + self . image_size , i + self . image_size ) ) ) )
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2024-12-13 07:38:59 -05:00
""" record height / width crop num """
num_width_tiles , num_height_tiles = best_width / / self . image_size , best_height / / self . image_size
images_spatial_crop . append ( [ num_width_tiles , num_height_tiles ] )
""" add image tokens """
h = w = math . ceil ( ( self . image_size / / self . patch_size ) / self . downsample_ratio )
# global views tokens h * (w + 1), 1 is for line seperator
tokenized_image = [ self . image_token_id ] * h * ( w + 1 )
# add a seperator between global and local views
tokenized_image + = [ self . image_token_id ]
# local views tokens, (num_height_tiles * h) * (num_width_tiles * w + 1)
tokenized_image + = [ self . image_token_id ] * ( num_height_tiles * h ) * ( num_width_tiles * w + 1 )
tokenized_str + = tokenized_image
images_seq_mask + = [ True ] * len ( tokenized_image )
num_image_tokens . append ( len ( tokenized_image ) )
# print(width_crop_num, height_crop_num, len(tokenized_image)) # test the correctness of the number of image-related tokens
""" process the last text split """
tokenized_sep = self . encode ( text_splits [ - 1 ] , bos = False , eos = False )
tokenized_str + = tokenized_sep
images_seq_mask + = [ False ] * len ( tokenized_sep )
""" add the bos and eos tokens """
if bos :
tokenized_str = [ self . bos_id ] + tokenized_str
images_seq_mask = [ False ] + images_seq_mask
if eos :
tokenized_str = tokenized_str + [ self . eos_id ]
images_seq_mask = images_seq_mask + [ False ]
assert len ( tokenized_str ) == len (
images_seq_mask ) , f " tokenize_with_images func: tokenized_str ' s length { len ( tokenized_str ) } is not equal to imags_seq_mask ' s length { len ( images_seq_mask ) } "
return tokenized_str , images_list , images_seq_mask , images_spatial_crop , num_image_tokens
def batchify (
self ,
sample_list : List [ VLChatProcessorOutput ] ,
padding : Literal [ " left " , " right " ] = " left "
) - > BatchCollateOutput :
Preprocesses the inputs for multimodal inference .
Args :
sample_list ( List [ VLChatProcessorOutput ] ) : A list of VLChatProcessorOutput .
padding ( str ) : The padding method . Defaults to " left " .
Returns :
BatchCollateOutput : A dictionary of the inputs to use for multimodal inference .
batched_sft_format = [ sample . sft_format for sample in sample_list ]
batched_input_ids = [ sample . input_ids for sample in sample_list ]
batched_labels = [ sample . target_ids for sample in sample_list ]
batched_images_seq_mask = [ sample [ " images_seq_mask " ] for sample in sample_list ]
seq_lens = [ len ( sample ) for sample in sample_list ]
""" padding input_ids and images_seq_mask """
if padding == " left " :
# the tokenizer is default to pad at left
## TODO, You're using a LlamaTokenizerFast tokenizer.
# Please note that with a fast tokenizer, using the `__call__` method is faster than
# using a method to encode the text followed by a call to the `pad` method to get a padded encoding.
padded_input_ids = self . tokenizer . pad ( { " input_ids " : batched_input_ids } )
batched_input_ids , batched_attention_mask = padded_input_ids [ " input_ids " ] , padded_input_ids [
" attention_mask " ] . bool ( )
batched_labels = self . tokenizer . pad ( { " input_ids " : batched_labels } ) [ " input_ids " ]
batched_labels [ batched_labels == self . pad_id ] = self . ignore_id # labels正常不会出现pad_id, 无需额外保护
batched_images_seq_mask = self . tokenizer . pad ( { " input_ids " : batched_images_seq_mask } ) [ " input_ids " ]
batched_images_seq_mask [ batched_images_seq_mask == self . pad_id ] = False
else :
batched_input_ids = pad_sequence ( batched_input_ids , batch_first = True , padding_value = self . pad_id )
batched_labels = pad_sequence ( batched_labels , batch_first = True , padding_value = self . ignore_id )
batched_images_seq_mask = pad_sequence ( batched_images_seq_mask , batch_first = True , padding_value = 0 )
batched_attention_mask = batched_input_ids != self . pad_id
""" padding images to max_patch_num """
max_n_patches = max ( sample [ " images " ] . shape [ 0 ] for sample in sample_list )
batched_images = [ ]
for sample in sample_list :
images = sample [ " images " ]
n_pads = max_n_patches - images . shape [ 0 ]
if n_pads > 0 :
pad_images = torch . zeros ( ( n_pads , * images . shape [ 1 : ] ) , dtype = images . dtype )
images = torch . cat ( [ images , pad_images ] , dim = 0 )
batched_images . append ( images )
batched_images = torch . stack ( batched_images , dim = 0 )
""" padding images_spatial_crop to max_n_images """
max_n_images = max ( sample [ " images_spatial_crop " ] . shape [ 0 ] for sample in sample_list )
batched_images_spatial_crop = [ ]
for sample in sample_list :
images_spatial_crop = sample [ " images_spatial_crop " ]
n_pads = max_n_images - sample [ " images_spatial_crop " ] . shape [ 0 ]
if n_pads > 0 :
pad_images_spatial_crop = torch . full ( ( n_pads , 2 ) , 0 , dtype = images_spatial_crop . dtype )
images_spatial_crop = torch . cat ( [ images_spatial_crop , pad_images_spatial_crop ] , dim = 0 )
batched_images_spatial_crop . append ( images_spatial_crop )
batched_images_spatial_crop = torch . stack ( batched_images_spatial_crop , dim = 0 )
batched_samples = BatchCollateOutput (
input_ids = batched_input_ids ,
attention_mask = batched_attention_mask ,
labels = batched_labels ,
images = batched_images ,
images_seq_mask = batched_images_seq_mask ,
images_spatial_crop = batched_images_spatial_crop ,
sft_format = batched_sft_format ,
seq_lens = seq_lens
return batched_samples