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2024-02-05 21:27:40 -05:00
import re
import regex
def _fix_fracs(string):
substrs = string.split("\\frac")
new_str = substrs[0]
if len(substrs) > 1:
substrs = substrs[1:]
for substr in substrs:
new_str += "\\frac"
if len(substr) > 0 and substr[0] == "{":
new_str += substr
assert len(substr) >= 2
return string
a = substr[0]
b = substr[1]
if b != "{":
if len(substr) > 2:
post_substr = substr[2:]
new_str += "{" + a + "}{" + b + "}" + post_substr
new_str += "{" + a + "}{" + b + "}"
if len(substr) > 2:
post_substr = substr[2:]
new_str += "{" + a + "}" + b + post_substr
new_str += "{" + a + "}" + b
string = new_str
return string
def _fix_a_slash_b(string):
if len(string.split("/")) != 2:
return string
a = string.split("/")[0]
b = string.split("/")[1]
if "sqrt" not in a:
a = int(a)
if "sqrt" not in b:
b = int(b)
assert string == "{}/{}".format(a, b)
new_string = "\\frac{" + str(a) + "}{" + str(b) + "}"
return new_string
return string
def _fix_sqrt(string):
_string = re.sub(r"\\sqrt(-?[0-9.a-zA-Z]+)", r"\\sqrt{\1}", string)
_string = re.sub(r"\\sqrt\s+(\w+)$", r"\\sqrt{\1}", _string)
return _string
def _fix_tan(string):
_string = re.sub(r"\\tan(-?[0-9.a-zA-Z]+)", r"\\tan{\1}", string)
_string = re.sub(r"\\tan\s+(\w+)$", r"\\tan{\1}", _string)
return _string
def strip_string(string):
string = str(string).strip()
# linebreaks
string = string.replace("\n", "")
# right "."
string = string.rstrip(".")
# remove inverse spaces
string = string.replace("\\!", "")
# string = string.replace("\\ ", "")
# replace \\ with \
# string = string.replace("\\\\", "\\")
# string = string.replace("\\\\", "\\")
if string.startswith("\\text{") and string.endswith("}"):
string = string.split("{", 1)[1][:-1]
# replace tfrac and dfrac with frac
string = string.replace("tfrac", "frac")
string = string.replace("dfrac", "frac")
string = string.replace("cfrac", "frac")
# remove \left and \right
string = string.replace("\\left", "")
string = string.replace("\\right", "")
# Remove unit: miles, dollars if after is not none
_string = re.sub(r"\\text{.*?}$", "", string).strip()
if _string != "" and _string != string:
# print("Warning: unit not removed: '{}' -> '{}'".format(string, _string))
string = _string
# Remove circ (degrees)
string = string.replace("^{\\circ}", "").strip()
string = string.replace("^\\circ", "").strip()
string = regex.sub(r"\{(c|m)?m\}(\^(2|3))?", "", string).strip()
string = regex.sub(r"p\.m\.$", "", string).strip()
string = regex.sub(r"(\d)\s*t$", r"\1", string).strip()
# remove dollar signs
string = string.replace("\\$", "")
string = string.replace("$", "")
# string = string.replace("\\text", "")
string = string.replace("x\\in", "")
# remove percentage
string = string.replace("\\%", "%")
string = string.replace("\%", "%")
# string = string.replace("%", "")
# " 0." equivalent to " ." and "{0." equivalent to "{." Alternatively, add "0" if "." is the start of the string
string = string.replace(" .", " 0.")
string = string.replace("{.", "{0.")
# cdot
string = string.replace("\\cdot", "")
# inf
string = string.replace("infinity", "\\infty")
if "\\infty" not in string:
string = string.replace("inf", "\\infty")
string = string.replace("+\\inity", "\\infty")
# and
# string = string.replace("and", "")
string = string.replace("\\mathbf", "")
string = string.replace("\\mathrm", "")
# use regex to remove \mbox{...}
string = re.sub(r"\\mbox{.*?}", "", string)
# quote
string.replace("'", "")
string.replace("\"", "")
# i, j
if "j" in string and "i" not in string:
string = string.replace("j", "i")
# replace a.000b where b is not number or b is end, with ab, use regex
string = re.sub(r"(\d+)\.0+([^\d])", r"\1\2", string)
string = re.sub(r"(\d+)\.0+$", r"\1", string)
# if empty, return empty string
if len(string) == 0:
return string
if string[0] == ".":
string = "0" + string
# to consider: get rid of e.g. "k = " or "q = " at beginning
# if len(string.split("=")) == 2:
# if len(string.split("=")[0]) <= 2:
# string = string.split("=")[1]
string = _fix_sqrt(string)
string = _fix_tan(string)
string = string.replace(" ", "")
# \frac1b or \frac12 --> \frac{1}{b} and \frac{1}{2}, etc. Even works with \frac1{72} (but not \frac{72}1). Also does a/b --> \\frac{a}{b}
string = _fix_fracs(string)
# NOTE: X/Y changed to \frac{X}{Y} in dataset, but in simple cases fix in case the model output is X/Y
string = _fix_a_slash_b(string)
string = regex.sub(r"(\\|,|\.)+$", "", string)
return string
def extract_boxed_answers(text):
answers = []
for piece in text.split('boxed{')[1:]:
n = 0
for i in range(len(piece)):
if piece[i] == '{':
n += 1
elif piece[i] == '}':
n -= 1
if n < 0:
if i + 1 < len(piece) and piece[i + 1] == '%':
answers.append(piece[: i + 1])
return answers
def extract_program_output(pred_str):
extract output between the last ```output\n...\n```
if "```output" not in pred_str:
return ""
if '```output' in pred_str:
pred_str = pred_str.split('```output')[-1]
if '```' in pred_str:
pred_str = pred_str.split('```')[0]
output = pred_str.strip()
return output
def extract_answer(pred_str, exhaust=False):
pred = []
if 'final answer is $' in pred_str and '$. I hope' in pred_str:
tmp = pred_str.split('final answer is $', 1)[1]
pred = [tmp.split('$. I hope', 1)[0].strip()]
elif 'boxed' in pred_str:
pred = extract_boxed_answers(pred_str)
elif ('he answer is' in pred_str):
pred = [pred_str.split('he answer is')[-1].strip()]
program_output = extract_program_output(pred_str)
if program_output != "":
# fall back to program
else: # use the last number
pattern = '-?\d*\.?\d+'
ans = re.findall(pattern, pred_str.replace(",", ""))
if(len(ans) >= 1):
ans = ans[-1]
ans = ''
if ans:
# multiple line
_pred = []
for ans in pred:
ans = ans.strip().split("\n")[0]
ans = ans.lstrip(":")
ans = ans.rstrip(".")
ans = ans.rstrip("/")
ans = strip_string(ans)
if exhaust:
return _pred
return _pred[-1] if _pred else ""
def extract_math_answer(question, reasoning, task):
answer = []
for ans in extract_answer(reasoning, exhaust=True):
if 'separated by commas' in question and all(ch not in ans for ch in '()[]'):
answer.extend([a.strip() for a in ans.split(",")])
elif"\\text\{\s*and\s*\}", ans):
answer.extend([a.strip() for a in regex.sub(r"\\text\{\s*and\s*\}", "[SEP]", ans).split("[SEP]")])
return answer
def extract_math_few_shot_cot_answer(question, reasoning, task):
if 'Problem:' in reasoning:
reasoning = reasoning.split("Problem:", 1)[0]
return extract_math_answer(question, reasoning, task)
def extract_last_single_answer(question, reasoning, task):
return extract_answer(reasoning, exhaust=False)
def extract_gsm_few_shot_cot_answer(question, reasoning, task):
if 'Q: ' in reasoning:
reasoning = reasoning.split("Q: ", 1)[0]
pred = [s for s in regex.findall(r'-?\d+\.?\d*', reasoning)]
if pred:
return pred[-1]
return "[invalid]"
def extract_agieval_gaokao_mathcloze_few_shot_cot_test(question, reasoning, task):
if '问题 ' in reasoning:
reasoning = reasoning.split("问题 ", 1)[0]
if '答案是' in reasoning:
ans = reasoning.split('答案是', 1)[1].strip()
ans = ans.split("\n")[0].strip()
ans = [ans.strip("$")]
ans = ['placeholder']
return ans
def extract_agieval_gaokao_mathqa_few_shot_cot_test(question, reasoning, task):
if '问题 ' in reasoning:
reasoning = reasoning.split("问题 ", 1)[0]
if '答案是' in reasoning:
ans = reasoning.split('答案是', 1)[1].strip()
ans = ans.split("\n")[0].strip()
ans = 'placeholder'
return ans
def extract_sat_few_shot_answer(question, reasoning, task):
if 'Problem:' in reasoning:
reasoning = reasoning.split("Problem:", 1)[0]
patt ="the final answer is \(?(?P<ans>[abcd])\)?", reasoning.lower())
if patt is not None:
return 'placeholder'
def extract_ocwcourses_few_shot_answer(question, reasoning, task):
if 'Problem:' in reasoning:
reasoning = reasoning.split("Problem:", 1)[0]
patt ="final answer is (?P<ans>.*)\. I hope it is correct.", reasoning)
if patt is None:
pred = "[invalid]"
print(f"DEBUG >>>\n{reasoning}", flush=True)
pred ='ans')
return pred
def extract_mmlu_stem(question, reasoning, task):
if 'Problem:' in reasoning:
reasoning = reasoning.split("Problem:", 1)[0]
return extract_sat_few_shot_answer(question, reasoning, task)
def extract_minif2f_isabelle(question, reasoning, task):
if 'Informal:' in reasoning:
reasoning = reasoning.split("Informal:", 1)[0]
return reasoning.strip()
def extract_cmath_few_shot_test(question, reasoning, task):
if '问题:' in reasoning:
reasoning = reasoning.split("问题:", 1)[0]
if '答案是' in reasoning:
ans = reasoning.split('答案是', 1)[1].strip()
ans = ans.split("\n")[0]
ans = ans.strip("")
ans = ans.strip("")
ans = [s for s in regex.findall(r'-?\d+\.?\d*', ans)][-1]
print(f"DEBUG CMATH: {reasoning}", flush=True)
ans = "[invalid]"
ans = extract_last_single_answer(question, reasoning, task)
return ans