using Newtonsoft.Json; using System.Linq; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using ttrss_co_client.tasks; namespace ttrss_co_client { class Program { private static ttrss.ApiClient ttrssClient; static async Task Main(string[] args) { var conf = Configure(); Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now.ToString("o")}"); ttrssClient = new ttrss.ApiClient(conf.BaseURI); await ttrssClient.Login(conf.Username, conf.Password); var loggedin = await ttrssClient.IsLoggedIn(); Console.WriteLine($"logged in: {loggedin}"); #region phase 1 Console.WriteLine("===== phase 1 ====="); var Phase1Tasks = new List>(); Phase1Task.TtrssClient = ttrssClient; Phase1Task.Conf = conf; var phase1TaskTypes = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() .SelectMany(domainAssembly => domainAssembly.GetTypes()) .Where(type => type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Phase1Task)) && !type.IsAbstract) .ToList(); var phase1TaskConcretions = new List(); foreach (var phase1TaskType in phase1TaskTypes) { var concretion = (Phase1Task)Activator.CreateInstance(phase1TaskType); concretion.TriggerLabel = conf.feedActions.FirstOrDefault(fa => fa.command == concretion.TaskName).triggerlabelCaption; phase1TaskConcretions.Add(concretion); } Console.WriteLine($"{phase1TaskConcretions.Count()} phase 1 task types understood"); var unreadFeeds = await ttrssClient.GetFeeds(cat_id: -3, unread_only: true); Console.WriteLine($"{unreadFeeds.Count()} feeds unread"); foreach (var uf in unreadFeeds) { Console.WriteLine($"unread feed: {uf.title}"); var headlines = await ttrssClient.GetHeadlines(, view_mode: ttrss.ApiClient.VIEWMODE.Unread, include_attachments: true); foreach (var hl in headlines) { var labelsWRTArticle = (await ttrssClient.GetLabels(; var actionsForFeed = conf.feedActions.Where(fa => labelsWRTArticle.Where(l => l.@checked).Select(l => l.caption).Contains(fa.triggerlabelCaption))?.ToList(); if (actionsForFeed != null && actionsForFeed.Any()) { var action = actionsForFeed.First(); Console.WriteLine($" headline {hl.title} has label {action.triggerlabelCaption} / action {action.command}"); var appropriatePhase1Task = phase1TaskConcretions.FirstOrDefault(tt => tt.TaskName == action.command); if (appropriatePhase1Task != null) { Phase1Tasks.Add(appropriatePhase1Task.ActOn(hl, labelsWRTArticle)); } else { Console.Error.WriteLine($"couldn't find phase 1 task {action.command} for workorder referring to article id {}!"); } } } } Console.WriteLine($"done processing feeds. phase 1 tasks launched. wait to complete."); var remainingWork = new List(); foreach (var lingeringTask in Phase1Tasks) { var wo = await lingeringTask; if (wo != null) { Console.WriteLine($"articleId {wo.articleId} left a work order; it has {wo.Phase2TaskList.Count()} phase 2 task{(wo.Phase2TaskList.Count() == 1 ? "" : "s")}"); remainingWork.Add(wo); } } Console.WriteLine($"phase 1 tasks complete, carrying {remainingWork.Count()} workorder{(remainingWork.Count() == 1 ? "" : "s")} to phase 2"); #endregion #region local tasks (stripping ads, converting.) Console.WriteLine("===== phase 2 ====="); //loop through working directory looking for other work orders to add var workOrderFiles = Directory.GetFiles($"{conf.WorkingDirectory}", "workorder.json", new EnumerationOptions() { RecurseSubdirectories = true }); Console.WriteLine($"{workOrderFiles.Count()} workorder file{(workOrderFiles.Count() == 1 ? "" : "s")} located"); foreach (var workorderFile in workOrderFiles) { try { remainingWork.Add(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(File.ReadAllText(workorderFile))); Console.WriteLine($"picked up workorder task; {workorderFile}"); File.Delete(workorderFile); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"error picking up work order file {workorderFile} - {e.Message}; {e.StackTrace}"); } } Console.WriteLine($"{remainingWork.Count} phase 2 workorders, between pulled from ttrss and read from files"); Phase2Task.TtrssClient = ttrssClient; Phase2Task.Conf = conf; var phase2TaskTypes = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() .SelectMany(domainAssembly => domainAssembly.GetTypes()) .Where(type => type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Phase2Task)) && !type.IsAbstract) .ToList(); var phase2TaskConcretions = new List(); foreach (var phase2TaskType in phase2TaskTypes) { var concretion = (Phase2Task)Activator.CreateInstance(phase2TaskType); phase2TaskConcretions.Add(concretion); } ChatMessage.ChatScript = conf.ChatScript; while (remainingWork.Count > 0) { //todo: solve the halting problem //ok but seriously, maybe I could time out work orders after a while? but converting a 3-hour 4k video could easily take an hour! Console.WriteLine($"{phase2TaskConcretions.Count()} phase 2 task types understood"); var Phase2Tasks = new List>>(); Console.WriteLine($"launching first pass over work orders in phase 2."); foreach (var wo in remainingWork) { var taskName = wo.Phase2TaskList[wo.Phase2TaskList.Keys.Min()]; var appropriatePhase2Task = phase2TaskConcretions.FirstOrDefault(tt => tt.TaskName == taskName); if (appropriatePhase2Task != null) { wo.Phase2TaskList.Remove(wo.Phase2TaskList.Keys.Min()); Console.WriteLine("launching phase 2 task: " + taskName); Phase2Tasks.Add(appropriatePhase2Task.ActOn(wo)); } else { Console.Error.WriteLine($"couldn't find phase 2 task {taskName} for workorder referring to article id {wo.articleId}!"); } } Console.WriteLine($"phase 2 tasks launched. now the complex part."); remainingWork = new List(); foreach (var lingeringTask in Phase2Tasks) { var wo = await lingeringTask; var wop = Path.Combine(conf.WorkingDirectory, wo.Item2.guid.ToString(), "workorder.json"); File.WriteAllText(wop, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(wo.Item2)); //if you tell me it's done, or you need to continue now.... I believe you. switch (wo.Item1) { case Phase2Task.TaskStatus.Done: File.Delete(wop); Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(conf.WorkingDirectory, wo.Item2.guid.ToString())); break; case Phase2Task.TaskStatus.ContinueNow: remainingWork.Add(wo.Item2); break; case Phase2Task.TaskStatus.TryLater: break; } } Console.WriteLine($"{remainingWork.Count} phase 2 tasks to be re-looped."); } #endregion await ttrssClient.Logout(); Console.WriteLine($"logged out of ttrss."); Console.WriteLine($"done for real"); } static Configuration Configure(string configurationPath = "appsettings.json") { if (!File.Exists(configurationPath)) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"could not find configuration at {configurationPath}! copying sample to that spot."); File.Copy("sample-appsettings.json", configurationPath); //and you know what, if that explodes at the OS level, the OS should give you an error return null; } var fileContents = File.ReadAllText(configurationPath); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileContents)) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"configuration file at {configurationPath} was empty! overwriting with sample settings."); File.Copy("sample-appsettings.json", configurationPath, true); return null; } var conf = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(fileContents); if (conf == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"configuration file at {configurationPath} was empty! overwriting with sample settings."); File.Copy("sample-appsettings.json", configurationPath, true); return null; } return conf; } } }