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330 lines
15 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Discord;
using Discord.WebSocket;
namespace vassago.Discord_Vassago;
public class DiscordInterface
private DiscordSocketClient _client;
private bool eventsSignedUp = false;
public async Task Init(string token)
_client = new DiscordSocketClient(new DiscordSocketConfig() { GatewayIntents = GatewayIntents.All });
_client.Log += (msg) => {
return Task.CompletedTask;
_client.Ready += () => Task.Run(() =>
if (!eventsSignedUp)
eventsSignedUp = true;
Console.WriteLine("Bot is connected! going to sign up for message received and user joined in client ready");
_client.MessageReceived += MessageReceived;
_client.UserJoined += UserJoined;
//_client.ButtonExecuted += MyButtonHandler;
_client.SlashCommandExecuted += SlashCommandHandler;
Console.WriteLine("bot appears to be RE connected, so I'm not going to sign up twice");
await _client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, token);
await _client.StartAsync();
#pragma warning disable 4014 //the "you're not awaiting this" warning. yeah I know, that's the beauty of an async method lol
#pragma warning disable 1998 //the "it's async but you're not awaiting anything".
private async Task MessageReceived(SocketMessage messageParam)
#pragma warning restore 1998
var message = messageParam as SocketUserMessage;
if (message == null) return;
if (message.Author.Id == _client.CurrentUser.Id) return;
Console.WriteLine($"#{message.Channel}[{DateTime.Now}][{message.Author.Username} [id={message.Author.Id}]][msg id: {message.Id}] {message.Content}");
if (message.Author.IsWebhook || message.Author.IsBot)
if (message.Author.Id == 159985870458322944) //MEE6
if (message.Content?.Contains("you just advanced") == true)
var newText = Regex.Replace(message.Content, "<[^>]*>", message.Author.Username);
newText = Regex.Replace(newText, "level [\\d]+", "level -1");
Features.mock(newText, message);
var didThing = false;
var contentWithoutMention = message.Content;
var mentionedMe = false;
if (message.MentionedUsers?.FirstOrDefault(muid => muid.Id == _client.CurrentUser.Id) != null)
var mentionOfMe = "<@" + _client.CurrentUser.Id + ">";
contentWithoutMention = message.Content.Replace(mentionOfMe + " ", null);
contentWithoutMention = contentWithoutMention.Replace(mentionOfMe, null);
mentionedMe = true;
var wordLikes = message.Content.Split(' ', StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries);
var links = wordLikes?.Where(wl => Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(wl, UriKind.Absolute)).Select(wl => new Uri(wl));
if (links != null && links.Count() > 0)
foreach (var link in links)
if (link.Host.EndsWith(""))
Features.detiktokify(link, message);
didThing = true;
if (message.Attachments?.Count > 0)
Console.WriteLine($"{message.Attachments.Count} attachments");
var appleReactions = false;
foreach (var att in message.Attachments)
if (att.Filename?.EndsWith(".heic") == true)
Features.deheic(message, att);
appleReactions = true;
didThing = true;
if (appleReactions)
message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\U0001F34F"));
var msgText = message.Content?.ToLower();
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(msgText))
if (Regex.IsMatch(msgText, "\\bcloud( |-)?native\\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ||
Regex.IsMatch(msgText, "\\benterprise( |-)?(level|solution)\\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
switch (Shared.r.Next(2))
case 0:
await message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\uD83E\uDD2E")); //vomit emoji
case 1:
await message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\uD83C\uDDE7")); //B emoji
await message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\uD83C\uDDE6")); //A
await message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\uD83C\uDDF3")); //N
didThing = true;
if (Regex.IsMatch(msgText, "^(s?he|(yo)?u|y'?all) thinks? i'?m (playin|jokin|kiddin)g?$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("I believed you for a second, but then you assured me you's a \uD83C\uDDE7 \uD83C\uDDEE \uD83C\uDDF9 \uD83C\uDDE8 \uD83C\uDDED");
didThing = true;
if (Regex.IsMatch(msgText, "\\bskynet\\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
didThing = true;
if (Regex.IsMatch(msgText, "\\bchatgpt\\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("chatGPT is **weak**. also, are we done comparing every little if-then-else to skynet?");
didThing = true;
if (Regex.IsMatch(msgText, "\\bi need (an? )?(peptalk|inspiration|ego-?boost)\\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
didThing = true;
if (Regex.IsMatch(msgText, "\\bwish me luck\\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
if (Shared.r.Next(20) == 0)
await message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\U0001f340"));//4-leaf clover
await message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("☘️"));
didThing = true;
if (Regex.IsMatch(msgText, "\\bgaslight(ing)?\\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("that's not what gaslight means. Did you mean \"say something that (you believe) is wrong\"?");
didThing = true;
if (msgText.Contains("!qrplz "))
Features.qrify(message.Content.Substring("!qrplz ".Length + msgText.IndexOf("!qrplz ")), message);
didThing = true;
if (msgText.Contains("!freedomunits "))
Features.Convert(message, contentWithoutMention);
didThing = true;
if (Regex.IsMatch(msgText, "!joke\\b"))
didThing = true;
if (Regex.IsMatch(msgText, "!pulse ?check\\b"))
didThing = true;
if (mentionedMe && (Regex.IsMatch(msgText, "\\brecipe for .+") || Regex.IsMatch(msgText, ".+ recipe\\b")))
didThing = true;
if (msgText.Contains("cognitive dissonance") == true)
message.ReplyAsync("that's not what cognitive dissonance means. Did you mean \"hypocrisy\"?");
didThing = true;
if (mentionedMe && Regex.IsMatch(msgText, "what'?s the longest (six|6)(-| )?letter word( in english)?\\b"))
Task.Run(async () =>
await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("mother.");
await Task.Delay(3000);
await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("oh, longest? I thought you said fattest.");
didThing = true;
if (Regex.IsMatch(msgText, "\\bthank (yo)?u\\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) &&
(mentionedMe || Regex.IsMatch(msgText, "\\b(sh?tik)?bot\\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)))
switch (Shared.r.Next(4))
case 0:
message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("you're welcome, citizen!");
case 1:
message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("☺"));
case 2:
message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\U0001F607")); //smiling face with halo
case 3:
switch (Shared.r.Next(9))
case 0:
message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("❤")); //normal heart, usually rendered red
case 1:
message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\U0001F9E1")); //orange heart
case 2:
message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\U0001F49B")); //yellow heart
case 3:
message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\U0001F49A")); //green heart
case 4:
message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\U0001F499")); //blue heart
case 5:
message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\U0001F49C")); //purple heart
case 6:
message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\U0001F90E")); //brown heart
case 7:
message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\U0001F5A4")); //black heart
case 8:
message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("\U0001F90D")); //white heart
didThing = true;
#pragma warning restore 4014
// if (didThing == false && mentionedMe && contentWithoutMention.Contains("how long has that been there?"))
// {
// await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("text", false, null, null, null, null, new ComponentBuilder().WithButton("label", "custom-id").Build());
// didThing = true;
// }
if (didThing == false && mentionedMe && contentWithoutMention.Contains('?'))
Console.WriteLine("providing bullshit nonanswer / admitting uselessness");
var responses = new List<string>(){
@"Well, that's a great question, and there are certainly many different possible answers. Ultimately, the decision will depend on a variety of factors, including your personal interests and goals, as well as any practical considerations (like the economy). I encourage you to do your research, speak with experts and educators, and explore your options before making a decision that's right for you.",
@"┐(゚ ~゚ )┌",@"¯\_(ツ)_/¯",@"╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭", @"╮(╯ _╰ )╭"
await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(responses[Shared.r.Next(responses.Count)]);
didThing = true;
private Task UserJoined(SocketGuildUser arg)
Console.WriteLine($"user joined: {arg.Nickname}. Guid: {arg.Guild.Id}. Channel: {arg.Guild.DefaultChannel}");
var abbreviatedNickname = arg.Nickname;
if (arg.Nickname.Length > 3)
abbreviatedNickname = arg.Nickname.Substring(0, arg.Nickname.Length / 3);
Console.WriteLine($"imma call him {abbreviatedNickname}");
return arg.Guild.DefaultChannel.SendMessageAsync($"oh hey {abbreviatedNickname}- IPLAYTHESEALOFORICHALCOS <:ORICHALCOS:852749196633309194>");
private async Task ButtonHandler(SocketMessageComponent component)
switch (component.Data.CustomId)
case "custom-id":
await component.RespondAsync($"{component.User.Mention}, it's been here the whole time!");
internal static async Task SlashCommandHandler(SocketSlashCommand command)
switch (command.CommandName)
case "freedomunits":
var amt = Convert.ToDecimal((double)(command.Data.Options.First(o => o.Name == "amount").Value));
var src = (string)command.Data.Options.First(o => o.Name == "src-unit").Value;
var dest = (string)command.Data.Options.First(o => o.Name == "dest-unit").Value;
var conversionResult = Conversion.Converter.Convert(amt, src, dest);
await command.RespondAsync($"> {amt} {src} -> {dest}\n{conversionResult}");
catch (Exception e)
await command.RespondAsync($"error: {e.Message}. aaadam!");
await command.RespondAsync($"\\*smiles and nods*\n");
await command.Channel.SendFileAsync($"assets/loud sweating.gif");
Console.Error.WriteLine($"can't understand command name: {command.CommandName}");